Orangery conservatory styling

orangery prices onlineThere was a time when all you could get were white UPVC Conservatories but nowadays, with modern manufacturing methods such as ‘foiling’ you can have quite a choice when it comes to colour and the surface texture of your Orangery conservatory.

Wood-grain effect finishes are now far superior to what they were when first introduced, it’s no longer a ‘stick on after thought’ that comes off after a few years but properly integrated into the manufacturing process that makes it permanent – no flaking, cracking or peeling over the lifetime of the conservatory frames.

This means that you can go for any colour available and enjoy your room for many years to come without it losing any of the impact and individuality that it had on the very first day you had it installed.

  • save money on orangery conservatories – what are the average prices online?
Orangery Colour & Finishes